Matthew McAllister
"Public service was my dream."
As a kid, I grew up watching the West Wing on TV.
Even though I didn't know the acronyms and what the various parts of the federal government did, I could tell that the characters cared about their work and bonded with the folks they worked with. When I joined the Obama administration in 2011, I had the chance to live that experience myself and I was hooked. During that time, I had the pleasure of serving under Megan Smith, the U.S. Chief Technology Officer for President Obama.There were countless moments where I pinched myself and couldn't believe I was in the room where such important work was happening. Our team helped drive work across digital government, inclusive media work around STEM, access to broadband, and so much more. That experience set me on the career trajectory I am on today.
I am the co-founder and Director of the Colorado Digital Service. The Colorado Digital Service is a small and mighty team inside Colorado state government working to mature how the state manages the products and services the public use. I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to my home state and focus on the intersection of technology and public service. This is my dream job.